Dr. Boris O. Schlumpberger
Curriculum Vitae

2012 Brachyglossula schlumpbergeri n. sp.

Since 03/2010 Curator of the Herrenhausen Gardens, Hannover, Germany

10/2008 - 02/2010 Interim professor for Systematic Botany at the University of München (LMU), Germany

12/2005 - 09/2008 Own DFG-funded research position, Systematic Botany, LMU, Germany

11/2004 - 02/2010 Scientific associate at the University of München (LMU), Germany: Systematic Botany, lab of Susanne Renner

2002 - 2004 Postdoc in the lab of Robert Raguso, University of South Carolina, USA (Feodor Lynen scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation); in cooperation with Lucinda McDade, Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden & Claremont Graduate University, USA

Subject: "Incipient evolution of floral characters and pollinator affinities in the Echinopsis ancistrophora-group (Cactaceae) as a model for cactus radiation in the Andes"

1997 - 2002 PhD project "Dehydrogeosmin producing cacti: Studies on distribution, scent production and pollination"
Supervisor: Dieter Wittmann, University of Bonn, Germany; in cooperation with Wilhelm Boland, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

1996 University degree (diploma) in Biology, University of Tübingen, Germany

Diploma thesis: "Reproduction biology of carpenter bees in the Araucaria forest; function of pheromone glands in male Xylocopa bimaculata"

1990 - 1996 University course in Biology at the University of Tübingen, Germany
• Principal subject: Botany
• Subsidiary subjects: Zoology and Paleontology