
Martin K.R., Moré M., Hipólito J., Charlemagne S., Schlumpberger B.O., Raguso R.A. 2017. Spatial and temporal variation in volatile composition suggests olfactory division of labor within the trap flowers of Aristolochia gigantea. Flora 232: 128-141.

Hernández-Ledesma P., Berendsohn W.G., Borsch T., Von Mering S., Akhani H., Arias S., Castañeda-Noa I., Eggli U., Eriksson R., Flores-Olvera H., Fuentes-Bazán S., Kadereit G., Klak C., Korotkova N., Nyffeler R., Ocampo G., Ochoterena H., Oxelman B., Rabeler R.K., Sanchez A., Schlumpberger B.O., Uotila P. (2015): A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. Willdenowia 45(3):281-383. PDF

Hernández-Hernández, T., Brown, J.W., Schlumpberger, B.O., Eguiarte, L.E., Magallón, S. 2014. Beyond aridification: multiple explanations for the elevated diversification of cacti in the New World Succulent Biome. New Phytologist 202: 1382-1397. Abstract.

Lowry, M. & Schlumpberger, B.O. 2013. Lobivia minutiflora: A cryptic species finally recognised. Bradleya 31: 59-65.

Schlumpberger, B.O. 2012. On the identity of Parodia saint-pieana. Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives. 28: 27-28.

Schlumpberger, B.O. 2012. New combinations in the Echinopsis alliance. Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives. 28: 30-32.

Schlumpberger, B.O. & Renner S.S. 2012. Molecular phylogenetics of Echinopsis (Cactaceae): Polyphyly at all levels and convergent evolution of pollination modes and growth forms. American Journal of Botany. 99: 1335-1349. PDF

Schlumpberger, B.O. 2012. A survey on pollination modes in cacti and a potential key innovation. In: Patiny, S. (ed.) Evolution of Plant-Pollinator Relationships. Cambridge University Press.

Schlumpberger, B.O. & Königer 2011. Oncidium herrenhusanum sp. nov. Königer & Schlumpb. In: Arcula 21: 453-456. PDF

Seasonal variation in daily insolation induces synchronous bud break and flowering in the tropics. Trees 24: 865-877. [DOI 10.1007/s00468-010-0456-3]

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., ANDREA A. COCUCCI, MARCELA MORÉ, ALICIA N. SÉRSIC, ROBERT A. RAGUSO 2009. Extreme variation in floral characters and its consequences for pollinator attraction among populations of an Andean cactus. Annals of Botany 103: 1489-1500. PDF

ROIG-ALSINA, A. & SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2008. The cactus-specialist bees of the genus Brachyglossula Hedicke (Hymenoptera, Colletidae): notes on host associations and description of a new species. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 81: 84-91. PDF

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & RAGUSO, R.A. 2008. Geographic variation in floral scent of Echinopsis ancistrophora (Cactaceae); evidence for constraints on hawkmoth attraction. Oikos 117: 801-814. PDF - Appendix

RAGUSO, R.A., SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., KACZOROWSKI, R.L., HOLTSFORD, T.P. 2006. Phylogenetic fragrance patterns in Nicotiana sections Alatae and Suaveolentes. Phytochemistry 67 (17): 1931-1942. PDF

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., CLERY, R., BARTHLOTT, W. 2006. A unique cactus with scented and possibly bat-dispersed fruits: Rhipsalis juengeri. Plant Biology 8: 265-270. PDF

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & BADANO, E.I. 2005. Diversity of floral visitors in Echinopsis atacamensis ssp. pasacana (Cactaceae). Haseltonia 11: 2-10. PDF

RAGUSO, R.A., LECLERE, A.R., SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2005. Sensory flexibility in hawkmoth foraging behavior; lessons from Manduca sexta and other species. Chemical Senses 30: 295-296, suppl. 1.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., JUX, A., KUNERT, M., BOLAND, W., WITTMANN, D. 2004. Musty-earthy scent in cactus flowers: Characteristics of floral scent production in dehydrogeosmin producing cacti. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165 (6): 1007-1015. PDF

SCHLINDWEIN, C., SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., MOURE, J.S., WITTMANN, D. 2003. O gênero Xylocopa Latreille no Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 47 (1): 107-118.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2002. Dehydrogeosmin produzierende Kakteen: Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung, Duftstoff-Produktion und Bestäubung. Dissertation, Universität Tübingen, Verlag Grauer, Stuttgart.

BADANO, E.I. & SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2001. Sistema de cruzamiento y estimaciones en la eficiencia de polinización sobre Trichocereus pasacana (Cactaceae) en dos poblaciones del noroeste Argentino. Gayana 58 (2): 115-122. PDF

DE VIANA, M.L., BAES, P.O., SARAVIA, M., BADANO, E.I. & SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2001. Flower biology and pollinators of Trichocereus pasacana (Cactaceae) in Los Cardones National Park, Argentina. Journal of Tropical Biology 49 (1): 279-285.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & WITTMANN, D. 2000. New odour glands in Xylocopa males (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophoridae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 9 (2): 363-369.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & WITTMANN, D. 2000. Abdominal glands in male Xylocopa bimaculata Friese: Self perfuming during the territorial flight (Apoidea: Anthophoridae). Apidologie 31: 751-752.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 1999. Kakteen im Nebel - Beobachtungen im Bergregenwald Südbrasiliens. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 50 (4): 73-77.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 1999. Notocactus linkii var. buenekeri Ritter im Waldschutzgebiet Pró-Mata. Internoto 20 (4): 125-130.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 1997. Hatiora rosea (Lagerheim) Barthlott im Araukarien-Nebelwald von Rio Grande do Sul, Brasilien. EPIG 9 (4): 142-154.

Selected talks

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2009. Evolution of flower-pollinator interactions: an Andean cactus with extreme population-level variation of floral characters. Systematics 2009, Leiden, Netherlands.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2009. More on the phylogeny and evolution of Echinopsis s.l. Inter-Congress Meeting of the International Organisation for Succulent Plant Studies, Bonn, Germany.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2008. Phylogeny and evolution of Echinopsis s.l. (Cactaceae). 59o Congresso Nacional de Botânica & 30th Congress of the International Organisation for Succulent Plant Studies, Natal, Brazil.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2007. Variation of floral scent in the Andean cactus Echinopsis ancistrophora; evidence for constraints on hawkmoth attraction. Gordon Research Conference on Floral and Vegetative Volatiles, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & RENNER, S.S. 2006. Multiple floral syndrome switches and population-level variation of floral traits in Andean cacti inferred from field observations and molecular data. Evolution 2006, Stony Brook, New York, USA.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & RAGUSO, R.A. 2006. Variation in composition and attractiveness of floral scent in a highly polymorphic Andean cactus, Echinopsis ancistrophora. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Barcelona, Spain.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2006. Floral evolution in Echinopsis s.l. and implications on the taxonomy of the genus. 29th Congress of the International Organisation for Succulent Plant Studies, Zürich, Switzerland.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & MCDADE, L.A. 2004. Shuffling floral traits: Putative radiation in the Echinopsis ancistrophora group. 28th Congress of the International Organisation for Succulent Plant Studies, Hamburg, Germany.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., MCDADE, L.A. & RAGUSO, R.A. 2004. Mixing up floral traits: Radiation of Andean Echinopsis ancistrophora (Cactaceae). Botany 2004, Snowbird, Salt Lake City, USA.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & RAGUSO, R.A. 2004. What it takes to attract a pollinator. How Echinopsis ancistrophora adapts to new pollinators. 28th Congress of the International Organisation for Succulent Plant Studies, Hamburg, Germany.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & WITTMANN, D. 2002. Dehydrogeosmin, a unique volatile in cactus flowers. 27th Congress of the International Organisation for Succulent Plant Studies, Phoenix, USA.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., BAHROUZ, D. & WITTMANN, D. 2001. Funktion von Abdominaldrüsen bei männlichen Holz- und Pelzbienen (Anthophoridae, Hymenoptera). Entomologen-Tagung 2001, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Selected Posters

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. 2008. Reproductive assurance through secondary pollinators in hawkmoth-adapted cactus flowers. Botany 2008, Vancouver, USA.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O. & RAGUSO, R.A. 2005. Incipient speciation and gradual adaptation to different pollinators in Andean Echinopsis ancistrophora (Cactaceae). Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, Berlin, Germany.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., JUX, A., BOLAND, W., WITTMANN, D. 2002. Dehydrogeosmin: biology and biosynthesis of a unique volatile from cactus flowers. Gordon Research Conference on Biology, Chemistry and Evolution of Floral Scent, Ventura, CA, USA.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., JUX, A., BOLAND, W., WITTMANN, D. 2000. Dehydrogeosmin: ecology and biosynthesis of a unique volatile from cactus flowers. Botanikertagung 2000, Jena, Germany.

SCHLUMPBERGER, B.O., BOLAND, W., WITTMANN, D. 1999. Dehydrogeosmin and geosmin as volatiles in cactus flowers. Gordon Research Conference on Biology, Chemistry and Evolution of Floral Scent, Oxford, UK.

Last update: 2014-05-16